Even more changes


OVERHEAD now has a Gallery section! The Gallery will be the primary way I upload images that aren’t intended as header images. It’s worth mentioning that, although I’ve set loading="lazy" for the Gallery images, and I’m using AVIF for the display images, viewing the Gallery page will still download a significant amount of image data compared to other pages you’ll find here (as of writing, it’s about 1.47 MB worth of cached images).

Each image’s page contains a link to its license, a link to the original full-quality image, and a description containing any noteworthy details about the image. Speaking of licenses…

I’ve changed the copyright notice in the <footer> from “All rights reserved” to the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. Generally speaking, though I emphasise that this sentence is not the exact terms of the license, you can freely remix any CC BY-SA 4.0 content you find on OVERHEAD as long as you attribute it back to here and license the new work under CC BY-SA 4.0 as well.

For any content that isn’t licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, you can check for its license by:

  • Looking at the <footer> of the page.
    • The license covers both the text and the header image, unless stated otherwise in the <footer> or somewhere in the page’s text.
  • Looking at the Gallery page for the image when available.
  • Looking at the commented lines (e.g. # Like this for POSIX & Bash scripts) at the top of the code or script files, or by looking at the LICENSE file if present.
    • In the case of code & scripts, these will typically be licensed under the 0BSD license, since the Creative Commons licenses are not appropriate for protecting code.

Miscellaneous changes

These are some of the tweaks I’ve done across OVERHEAD. I do these kind of tweaks all the time, but usually, they aren’t noticeable:

  • Completely rewrote the Optimising pixel art post to account for OptiPNG (see post for details), which in combination with pngquant proved to be the actual (I hope this time it’s true) best way to shrink PNGs.
  • And continuing from the previous point, all PNG images have been fed through optipng -o7 to squeeze every last byte out of them. It even managed to shrink the three-by-three PNG favicon from 98 bytes to 96 bytes.
    • It only shrunk the size of pixel art images by tens of bytes on average; pngquant already got most of the way there. However, for the full-quality source images in the Gallery, it losslessly reduced their sizes by ~15% on average.
  • Revamped the main style.css file with even more spacing and comments to help with readability. This does mean the file size has increased, even if you ignore the new nav.imglist rules for the Gallery, however, I favour readability over size in the case of HTML and CSS (right-click this page and select View Page Source to see for yourself).
    • If you’re wondering why I favour readability above size in these cases, it’s so the website can act as a good reference for anyone wanting to learn HTML & CSS, especially in regards to semantic HTML and ARIA stuff.
    • It’s also for my own sanity.
  • Changed how heading anchors are generated, so now HTML tags won’t show up in their names anymore.
  • While writing this changelog, I realised I hadn’t updated the Blog page’s header image to contain nineteen pixels when I added the Will you take the teal pill? post. Welp.