I’ve rewritten the Optimising pixel art post so many times…

Added countless notes and corrections for edge-cases which aren’t edge-cases…

Tried tool after option after tool after option…

But every single time, there is always. Yet. Another. Goddamn. TOOL.


This series, BYTE WARS, will document my journey to finding the perfect method of losslessly compressing images.

But first, something that hasn’t changed (yet)…

Optimising GIFs

For GIFs, I haven’t found anything better than either Gifsicle or gif2apng, so the demonstrations from before are still true.

Although I have managed to squeeze more bytes out than what’s shown in the demonstrations, through modifications to the images themselves (mainly cropping them), each tool’s relative position in the lists hasn’t shifted significantly.

Nice, that’s GIFs sorted until further notice. But next up is PNG, and… let me put it this way: I found a better way to losslessly compress PNGs today; the journey is far from over. However, that’s for the next post once I’ve finished testing.

Until then…